Evil Lord, Volume 5 Chapter 1

*Places down chapter, puts on groucho fuzzy nose and glasses

Special thanks to everyone that supported me while I was gone! (^^)/


–I mean, I believe the sloth you’re looking for went that way. (;>゜Д゜)>


Evil Lord, Volume 5 Prologue

Evil Lord is back! For those of you who only follow this series and haven’t seen my other post, I’ll be working on this project in rotation with my other one.

I usually try to avoid working on multiple projects, but I’ve never actually caught up with a series before, so why not? lol

Special thanks to Paul B., Maggie L., and Francisco G.!

Your support means the world to me! Please send more when you can, I really appreciate it! 😉

Now without further ado, enjoy the chapter! (^^)/


Villainous Butler, Volume 2 Prologue + Announcement

On the first day of Christmas, my true love gave to me~

A chapter! 😀

Hey everyone~! Finally done my break. I know 3 weeks is longer than my usual 1 week post-volume break, but I was feeling really burnt out.

…and my laptop broke down and is currently being repaired. So that’s a factor too. It feels weird translating on the family PC instead of my ‘comfy spot’ where I usually do so. (^^|||

Well, that’s one of the benefits of not setting a schedule, and at least I only did it after finishing a volume instead of at a cliffhanger lol

Anyways, I’m back and frequent chapters will be a must! Btw, I’ll be doing this and Evil Lord in rotation despite how I usually work since I’ve never had 2 active popular projects before.

…not to mention I can feel the impatience of the Evil Lord fans building up. (please stop DM’ing me) haha… ha… seriously. 😛

Last but not least, Special thank you  to everyone who sent me donations this past 3 weeks! It really meant a lot to me knowing that you were still willing to support me during my break and I hope you know I appreciate it!

Anyways, I’ve kept you long enough, so enjoy the chapter! (^^)/


Villainous Butler, Volume 1 Chapter 18


I forgot to mention. On the 9th the Author for Evil Lord said the web novel will resume next week, so the prologue for the 5th volume should be out by Saturday at the latest. However, I’m not translating it until the volume is completely released and I’ve found a good stopping point for Villainous Butler. So you Evil Lord fans will still have to wait a bit, unfortunately.

No donations this time… can I get a little help there please? (||>w<)

Enjoy the chapter! (^^)/

Villainous Butler, Volume 1 Chapter 15


I’m dead… this chapter was more than double the size of last chapter… but it was worth it (which explains the delay) . There’s a reason why this is one of my favourite chapters of the volume. 🙂

Only one donation this time, unfortunately… can I get a little help there please? This chapter was A LOT of work. @_@

Special thanks to Pa S.! You’re my sole supporter today and you’re a long time one I can count on! Thank you so much for everything! I really appreciate it all!

Enjoy the chapter! (^^)/


Villainous Butler, Volume 1 Chapter 14


And now only 364 more days until my next birthday lol

btw, brace yourself for chapter 15 when it comes out. Its one of my favourites for this volume. (^^)

Special thanks to Maggie L., David N., and William T.!

and EXTRA SPECIAL thanks to Diana C., and Verner A. M-J (As always 😉 )!

Thank you so much for your support on my birthday! It really means a lot, and I hope that you’ll continue to do so in the future! 😀

Enjoy the chapter! (^^)/